1. Fingerbot
gadget number one the finger bolt and it doesn't look like much but this is game-changing I think about the not so smart gadgets in your home right now your TV your kettle your light bulbs maybe well this makes them smart you download the smartphone app and through it one tap makes this robot arm come down to press the physical buttons on your appliances so I've mounted mine on my PC and so with my phone sitting across the room or even upstairs.
2. Lemfo LT04
it's a watch my hesitate to call it a SmartWatch but it's good to see that it can do SmartWatch things like customize your watch face and check your phone's notifications but that is just the start they tracks all kinds of stats like your number of steps your heart rate your blood pressure and can even act as a remote shutter button for your phone's camera and our stuff is all cool it makes it useful but is not my favorite feature see stored inside are actually two wireless earbuds and the watch doubles as the charging case for them as something that you keep on your wrist all the time anyways that combination makes so much sense you take these earphones out you put them in your ear they will automatically connect to your phone and they don't even sound bad the fit might be a bit of an issue for some people but for me if I spent $30 on just the ear buds I wouldn't feel like I've been ripped off and that's quite an achievement.
3. SoundBoom
next product sound boom it's a speaker for your smartphone but one that doesn't require any pairing or actually any batteries for that matter if you have a phone that supports wireless charging like a Samsung or a huawei then you just turn that feature on and place your phone in the docking area all of a sudden your music will stop playing for your phone speaker and start coming from this much louder much richer speaker so to give you an idea and play music on my phone.
4. Ember Travel Mug 2
I think most tea drinkers agree that the second half of the cup always tastes less good than the first half because by the time you've got there it's cold enter the new ember travel mug - it's not perfect but it's one of my most used gadgets since I entered the studio i syncs with your smart phone and lets you keep your drink at whatever temperature you think is comfortable it comes with a dock and while your mug is on it it can keep your drink warm for two days if you wanted it to although I probably wouldn't drink two day old tea but more importantly the mug also works on the go keeping your drink at the perfect temperature for an extra three hours on a road trip there's a couple of other things I really appreciate here this lid mechanism for example is 100% spill free like that is full of liquid right now and I feel perfectly confident doing this over a whole load of expensive
gadgets and I should probably stop that when it comes to drinking as well you just press this down and you can sip from any angle there's also a touchscreen on the side which just means you can control the temperature without the app if you want to.
5. cowboy
welcome to cowboy it's a smart bike and that brings a few benefits you probably expected and a few he probably didn't the bike itself it's a pretty conservative mix of matte and glossy black I wouldn't say the design shouts but it's premium in a subtle way it's fairly light too at 16 kilos and you get wide tires for a better grip on the road but what makes it different are the smart features with an app you can lock it and unlock it the same way you do for your car and when it's locked it will not go anywhere you get control over the lights on the front in the back can remotely diagnose problems and probably my favorite feature is that it tells you where your bike is at all times so if you're very forgetful and you just need reminding where you left it it works for that or if you're very unlucky and someone's just nicked it you can still track and trace it plus being an electric bike it's got a battery that you feel the second you first put your foot down it makes you feel like what I imagine a pro cyclist would feel tearing around a racetrack except you don't need to put in all that much effort the electric motor automatically accounts for hills and tricky terrain it kind of detects when you're exerting yourself and then just gives you a little extra push and before you know it you'll be flying at 25 kilometers an hour we've seen a lot of smart phone handles in this series but this right here is probably the most well considered one I've come across it's called the oat snap and it is substantially sized but looks surprisingly okay on the back of your phone pressing at one end releases a kickstand that can either prop your phone up at an angle or just be used to give you a bit more security when holding it but then you can bring these two ends together and they lock and like that is not coming apart any time soon you can then slide the grip up or down which takes your thumb up in town with it and there are a lot of times especially with the massive phones we see in our days where I've personally wanted to be able to just kind of slide up and have better access to the top of my phone and now you can do that the grip is curved in a way that prevents it catching on pockets it contains a magnet so you can just throw it onto a fridge for example and the cherry on top is that if you still did want to use wireless charging you can slip out the metal compare and it works.