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Painpod - drug free pain relief


If you have someone who has some form of chronic pain in your life, you are certainly no stranger to hear them complain about it. The good news is that you can shut them up with PainPod, a completely new wearable gadget which is a drug-free alternative to painkillers.

The gadget is powered by a combination of microcurrents and biomedical technology that its manufacturers state is not available to the public on any other device right now. This bioelectric tech is capable of understanding our peripheral nervous and body systems, and how they actually work to manage pain , improve performance and recovery speed.

PainPod - Mobility Solutions

PainPod® | FeelGood Store


Your Support for Relief in Pain Scale

This rests comfortably in your side, is easy to use and relieves discomfort, alleviates aches and improves recovery for thousands of people worldwide. The PainPod combines biotechnology and physical therapy into a tiny tool built for one purpose: to help make daily life a little easier — if you have a sore back or are healing from surgery.

PainPod Three & PainPod Mi review | Cyclist

Drug-free relief from pain anybody can use

When ancient Egyptians stumbled across the surprising effect of electric fish on the body, a primitive form of biotechnology was discovered. Today we are harnessing the strength to do a lot more.

PainPod uses gentle electrical impulses to suppress pain signals, based on a scientifically validated electrotherapy procedure named TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Similar to many drug-based painkillers, this works as they work on the same principle ofstopping pain signals from reaching your brain. Specifically, however, opioids come with a variety of side effects.

With TENS, you get more to stop pain signals than just a drug-free alternative. This also stimulates the body to generate "Endorphins" when you use PainPod-hormones that act as natural pain relievers to alleviate physical or emotional stress. They also give you a sense of well-being, so they are often referred to as "feel good hormones."

  • Jun 02, 2020
  • Category: News
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